2024 Scotch Doubles (S2)(PP)
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Doubles Division Policy
Start Time/Late Arrivals/Match Forfeits
- Official match start time is 7:30pm. All players must be ready to begin
- Players must be present no later than 8:00pm in order to play that night
- Match must begin by 8:00pm with all players present
- If one or no player is present by 8:00pm, the match is forfeited
Shot Forfeits
- At the start of each game, a team player will notify an opposing team player of the 5 minute clock
- If the shooting team player is not present by the expiration of their 5 minute grace period the shot is forfeited
Makeup Matches
- One make-up match allowed per team. Must give 48 hour notice
Substituting Players
- Not allowed
- Up to 6 players are allowed per doubles team
- Players may be added during the first 2 weeks of the season
Playing Out Matches
- Not allowed unless mutually agreed upon by both Team Captains
- Up to 6 players are allowed per team.
- Players may be added during the first half of the season
- See BCA Rules https://www.playcsipool.com/bcapl-rules.html
- Distraction or disruption while a player is down to shoot by the opposing player is not allowed and a warning may be given by the shooter
- If the violation repeats, loss of game may occur. Sharking is not allowed.
- Coaching of any kind or talking to a shooter while they are at or approaching the table is not allowed. This includes any language. No talking in any language may occur or may result in loss of game.
Three Foul Rule
- No three foul rule in effect in 8 ball. Three foul rule is in effect in 9 ball.
Shot Clock
- If a player is taking longer than 45 seconds to complete their shot, the opposing player may request a shot clock from their captain for the remainder of that game
- Opposing player’s captain will then notify the offending player’s captain and offending player’s captain will time their player’s shots for the remainder of that game. Offending player’s captain may notify player at 10 seconds remaining
- If shot clock runs out before shot is made it is a ball in hand foul
- If after 3 consecutive turns at the table by each player (6 turns total), attempting to pocket or move an object ball will result in loss of game, the balls will be re-racked with the player who broke the game breaking again
Watching Hits
- Either the shooter or the opposing player may request a third party watch a shot or monitor game play
- If a third party is asked to watch, both players must agree by saying “yes”
- After both players agree on the person watching the shot, call will be final.
- The person asked to watch the shot should not be a member of either playing team.
- Video of shot or gameplay is allowed if both players agree
- Generally, in the absence of a third person watching a shot or match, calls will go to the shooter
Early 8-Ball
- Any early 8-Ball is a loss of game except on the break. A cue ball foul on the 8-ball is a ball in hand foul and not a loss of game.
- See BCA Rules at https://www.playcsipool.com/bcapl-rules.html
- Legal jumping is allowed
- See BCA Rules at https://www.playcsipool.com/bcapl-rules.html
Calling Shots
- A shooter should designate object ball and called pocket. Any kick shot, bank shot, carom shot, combination shot, safety shot or extreme cut must be called. A foul may be called if shot is not called.
Double Hits
- If the cue stick strikes the cue ball more than once on a shot, or if the cue stick is in contact with the cue ball when or after the cue ball contacts an object ball, the shot is a foul.
- Generally, if the cue ball is within a chalks distance from the object ball, shooter should shoot away from the cue ball or at a 45 degree angle or more to avoid a double hit.
- See BCA Rules at https://www.playcsipool.com/bcapl-rules.html
For more information use the Contact Us page or see Official BCA rules